7 Things you should know as a homeowner about septic systems

Owning a septic system is a good idea. It is an environmentally friendly act. However, not all of us have a clear understanding of septic systems. Today, we’ll be sharing out our top seven things you should know as homeowners regarding septic systems.

Scheduled pumping is required

It’s not a secret to anyone that septic systems required scheduled pumping and maintenance. All households and establishments require routine pumping on a regular basis. Typically, it is required that a septic system is pumped every two to three years. However, it is good to check your state law for this matter.

Covers are required to be locked

It is also required to keep the covers of septic systems to be securely locked and chained with readable warning labels on the cover at all times. This requirement is designed to prevent any unauthorized entry or children from falling into the tanks. Basically, this is a security measure.

Heavy vehicles should be kept off of the drain field or mound

Letting cars or trucks drive over the drain field can compact the soil and cause premature failure by not allowing the wastewater to properly flow. It is strongly advised to not let any form of vehicles to drives over the drain field or mound.

Septic systems have a lifespan

Contrary to the popular belief, septic systems were not meant to last forever. It also has a lifespan just like our cars, appliances etc. Many factors can affect how long a septic system will last such as

  • proper sizing at construction or were the bedrooms or additional rooms/spaces added to the house later without increasing the size of the absorption unit 
  • the number of people is using the system on a daily basis 
  • proper maintenance and pump (the same as number 1 on this list) 
  • the composition of the soils on the property 

Eventually, the drain field just can’t handle any more waste or effluent and that’s the time when the system reaches the end of its life.

Avoid planting anything on your mound or over your drain field.

As much as possible, avoid planting anything on your mound or drain field. Keep them away from it. Plants and trees as well as shrub roots love the “rich effluent” produced by your septic system and will seek out the source. This could lead to plugging up holes in the pipes that will cause premature failure of the drain field or mound. 

Be mindful of what you flush on your drain

Flushing or pouring down wrong things into your septic system can shorten its life dramatically and drastically. Things that do not break down can eventually end up in your drain field or mound. Do not flush bath tissue, Kleenex, Puffs etc. because these do not dissolve. It is better to use septic safe toilet paper.

As much as possible, keep all personal hygiene products out of your system. Cigarette butts and dryer sheets can also easily plug up the small holes in the mound lateral or drain field pipes.

You’re so GREEN when you own a septic system

Why you’re so green? You have a septic system! It is a wastewater recycling system that uses the soil to treat wastewater before returning it to the groundwater. The water from your well stays on your property and is not being piped away to a far-off treatment facility. If you own a septic system, you have something to be proud of. You’re GREEN!

Do you have problems with your septic tanks? Call Malabanan Siphoning Services as soon as possible. They are the legends of septic tanks. 

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